I got aggressively hit up on Twitter by a VERY well-known blogger/guru/rags-to-riches coach recently. Like, if I mentioned their name, everyone on this platform would recognize it immediately.
It was a total Amway-type thing where I would pay them to teach me how to get others to pay me to learn how to get others to pay them.
I could see right away that, despite the taglines and buzzwords all over this message, they weren't really interested in teaching me how to be a better, more successful writer. No, see, they were selling how to sell.
The cold-call promised me seven figures a month if I just pay them $599 to learn how.
Along with that promise came a threat that I would be missing out if I didn't sign up TODAY. And also a bullying suggestion that I didn't care about my kids, my future, or my talent as a writer if I didn't fork it over -immediately-.
I'm a writer with something to say, and I want to say it in the hope that other people will read it and make changes in their own lives.
Would I like to get paid to do that? Absolutely. But even if I don't, I really just hope others will come away better for having read it.