I heard Republicans spouting this same bullshit in ’96 about Clinton. Democrats screamed this in 2004 about Bush. Republicans got another turn claiming our system of government was doomed if we re-elected Obama in 2012. And on and on back through history.
People get all hyperbolic and doomsday when their party isn’t in charge, thinking it will scare people into voting for THEIR candidate.
Bottom line? If you don’t like the president, give it four years. We’ve lived through actual socialists , warmongers, tax-and-spend morons, trickle-down idiots, draft dodgers, womanizers, and Richard Nixon.
The fact that you GET to decide who to vote for means our Republic (we’ve never actually been a pure democracy, and thank God for that) is still alive and well.
Scare tactics like this VERY poorly written article are irresponsible and intellectually dishonest at best. At worst? I could make a case that this incendiary, yet factually empty piece is a textbook case of trying to scare people into thinking like the author does. You know — facism. Or are Republicans the only ones who are capable of being guilty of that?