I lived in New Jersey (job-related) for nine years. It is a peculiar state in several ways, not the least of which is the fact that you cannot pump your own gas. And don't get me started on the prevalent "no lefthand turn" phenomenon in that state (they have right-turning jughandles that bring you back to the intersection so you can drive straight through to affect a lefthand turn).
I went back a couple of weeks ago for a training thing, only to find out about this plastics initiative. It wasn't about bags in my experience, but straws. I went to a restaurant and ordered my meal. They handed me a cup with no lid.
Ok. So there must be a caddy at the drink station that has lids and straws, right? Nope! I went back to the counter and asked where those items were. The lady reached under the cash register and handed me a lid and a straw.
Noticing the puzzled look on my face (and probably remembering my mild southern accent), she explained that they are not allowed to offer anything plastic, but I can still have one if I ask for it.
"New state law!" she proudly proclaimed. "We care about the environment here!"
I held up the lid and straw, stared at it for a few seconds, then looked back at her.
"Thanks for the plastic," I said.
The hypocrisy of the entire situation was completely lost on her.